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Meet Your "A Team": They're Always There When You Need Them

health + wellness meditation + yoga mind + body + soul self love + personal growth Oct 06, 2021
collection of 7 feathers, white, grey, brown, blue, and white and black, laying horizontally against a hemp background

I’m not alone anymore. That’s what I started telling myself as soon as I realized the A Team was a thing. It’s actually the AAA Team, but I shorten that to call it the “A” Team, because I prefer the way that flows. It stands for angels, Ascended Masters and ancestors. And I didn’t exactly hear the name A Team anywhere, it just kinda came to me through my studies. 


Does that mean I’m the only person on the planet who calls their guides by this name? Perhaps yes, perhaps not. But there is something about this team of non-physical energy that is constant and present and seemed worthy of a name, since here on Earth we are accustomed to calling things by a name. And this name was fitting. Especially since I started synchronistically seeing/noticing AAA stickers on the backs of cars and such around the time I was making these discoveries, and it all felt so connected to my experiences, that the name kind of created itself. 


The A Team is a collective group of guides who have my best interest at heart. But they’re not only here for me, they’re available for you, too. And they have your best interest at heart, as well. You have your own A Team, and it may have some of the same energies as mine and some different ones, too. You can’t see them the way you see your co-workers, neighbors, and the people who live with you. That’s because, as I mentioned earlier, this team is made up of non-physical energy. It exists in the realm of spirit. And while they don’t appear as transparent white human figures, like something you might see in a movie, you are able to feel and sense their presence. You are able to communicate with them and they with you. More on this later…


First, let me backtrack a little. My Journey of Self really began in 2016. It began before that, but I didn’t understand what was happening and didn’t identify it as that until the summer of 2016. In other words, my awareness that I was embarking on a Journey of Self is what began in 2016. 


It all started with 333. I had never paid much attention to numbers before. I remember back in high school if someone happened to see the clock at 11:11, they would say, “Make a wish!”, but it didn’t mean much to me…there were all kinds of superstitious things teenagers would do that I didn’t understand but witnessed or went along with anyway.


Then came the summer of 2016. I was less than a year out of my divorce and involved in a situationship that was, by it’s very nature, causing lots of stress and confusion in my life, mixed with pleasure, which made it seem difficult. That’s when it started happening—when the universe pulled out all the stops to garner my attention… It worked. 


333. 3:33. $3.33. #333. $33.33. 1.800.333.3333. $3333. Receipt number 333. Parking spot 333. Suite 333. Order number 0333. Time 3:33. Wake up at 3:33. Glance at clock 3:33. Pass by clock 3:33. Arrive somewhere at 3:33. Phone call at 3:33. Invoice number 1333. Service vehicle number 333. License plate in front of me 333. Here a 3-3-3, there a 3-3-3, everywhere a 3-3-3!!!




I was being so bombarded by the number 333 that it could no longer be ignored. I remember mentioning it to a friend and it being dismissed as coincidental. However, for me, the idea of it being a “coincidence” had long since passed. Every single day, repeating 3’s were showing up in my life…a lot.


So I went to my dear friend for answers. Yes, my dear friend, Google. “What does the number 333 mean?” Little did I know at the time that this search would open the flood gates for the direction my life would take next. And I say ‘open the flood gates’ very intentionally, because that’s what it felt like once I was introduced to what was on the other side—a surge of new information, new energy and new possibilities.


This search led me to another, and then another, and then another. I was being led down a path of realization that there was so much more to life and the universe than I had ever been privy to. But how? And why?


How did I go my entire life without even the slightest idea about any of this? Why had I never learned, or even heard, about these things before? There were books upon books upon books on the topics. People who had made their careers (which spanned longer than my entire life) teaching and studying all the things I was just reading, for the first time ever!


Entire websites, blogs, books, courses, programs, writers, speakers, teachers, organizations, clubs, groups, you name it—all of it there, accessible, ready, and I was like a little child full of wonder, discovering it all for the very first time. 


At first, I kept everything I discovered to myself. It was so far outside of the comfort zone of anything I learned or was taught before, so I felt like I needed time to sit with it and discover what it all meant to me before I shared it with others. I realized that I was raised a certain way, with a certain set of beliefs that had been indoctrinated from birth, another that had been served to me through teachers, coaches, bosses, etc, and without having ever really paid much attention to it before this point, was surrounded, almost exclusively, by others who shared the same sets of beliefs, for the most part.


And I never really questioned (the beliefs) much, up to this point. I kinda just accepted them as the way things were—the way I was. But here I found myself on the edge of something new. Not new in the sense that what I was learning about was new information; it’s actually the opposite. I was learning about things that dated back to ancient times. Thousands of years BC. I was learning about the secrets of the universe—sacred geometry, universal laws, quantum fields, alchemy, transmutation, transformation, energy, frequency, vibration. 


But 13 years of primary and secondary education, plus 5 years of college, and I had never been introduced to the things I was now discovering and learning on my own, as an adult. Keep in mind, I still didn’t know anything about yoga or meditation at this point; I still didn’t know what I didn’t know, but I was getting closer with each passing day. I was learning more, understanding more, realizing more. And my thirst for knowledge was unquenchable. Every day I became more and more focused on delving deep into the unknown with an open mind and a determination to grow and expand. 


And it all started when I began paying attention to the signs from the universe. Beginning with the repeating numbers, also known as Angel Numbers. In my case, they started with repeating 3’s. This caught my attention. Then, I began seeing repeating 1’s. At this point, I had already began my research, so when the repeating 1’s started, I noticed them much more quickly. For example, it was probably a good month of seeing the 333’s EVERYWHERE before I stopped brushing it off as nothing. Within a few days of noticing 111 and 1111, I was on it. 


The interesting thing about repeating 1’s is that it is a powerful number of manifesting and manifestation. It carries a message from your angels and guides to be very aware of your thoughts, as they are rapidly manifesting into your reality. It reminds you to focus only on what you want, not on what you don’t want, since your thoughts do become things. 


So every time I would notice the repeating 1’s, I would be mindful of the exact thoughts I was thinking at that moment, making sure that I was focusing on positive thoughts of something good/something I wanted, rather than spiraling down the negative what-if rabbit hole or on a negative self-talk rampage. 


From there came 222, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999. The next things I started noticing were number sequences: 1234, 567, 789, etc. And then onto number sequences that had relevance to me, like 1216 (my birthday), 911 (my daughter’s birthday), etc. By this time, I was a regular visitor on my favorite Angel Number Index site, and the messages always arrived in divine time. The longer my relationship with angel numbers went on, the more intuitively I noticed the numbers. 


In many ways, it became like a 6th sense. Now, any number could be an angel number for me. Whereas my journey started with repeating numbers, like 333, 1111, 222, and so on, it eventually evolved to include all kinds of combinations—well, at least up to 3333, which is as high as my go-to index goes:) 


What does that mean? That now, any number that “speaks” to me has a message for me. A ticket with the number 1409, receipt number 736, a decorative license plate with 1920 written across the front, picking up a piece of litter that has the number 2498 scribbled on it. I see thousands of numbers in a day, and not all of them “speak” to me, but when one does, I have learned not to dismiss the intuitive nudge to look into the message it carries. 


To be clear, angel numbers are essentially messages from a higher source trying to get your attention. They will appear to you, trying to get your attention, hoping you’ll notice the pattern and look further into the meaning. They appear, like I mentioned before, in all sorts of ways. The clock, your phone, phone numbers, license plates, signage, receipts, on vehicles, invoices, billboards, books and magazines, you name it. And they almost seem to jump off the page at you; they capture your attention enough for you to take note. 


And if you do, and then you go the next step to look into their meaning, you will find a message there for you.


For me, with the awareness of each new discovery, I learned more and more about the meaning behind it. The discovery of Angel Numbers led to research about angels, Archangels, and Ascended Masters. And then ancestors. This led to research about numerology. And each of these led to research about something else, and that to something else, and on and on. It was like an infinite web of information, some for me, some not. I sifted through it all, taking what resonated without fear and leaving what didn’t without judgement.


All this led to uncovering the Law of Attraction, which I incorrectly thought when I first heard about it, had to do with the kind of physical or sexual attraction you feel towards someone. Just goes to show you that 30+ years of life, and no one had ever mentioned or taught me about the Law of Attraction, and I didn’t know about it to ask.


So, what does all this mean, and how is it all connected?


In my experience, it meant there was so much more to life. This connection with non-physical meant I was not alone—ever. I have a team of spirit guides who are always available to me, and all I have to do is call on them for guidance. I have a team of guides on my side with infinite knowledge of the divine and access to a higher perspective than that of mine alone. I have a team who loves me unconditionally, believes in me, and supports and cheers me on. 


This team is in the form of angels/guardian angels (some I’ve never known in physical form, and some I knew when they were on Earth with me, like friends and family members who have transitioned into non-physical, and even my most beloved furry companions, like Harley!), Archangels (which I didn’t know about until I began looking into Angel Numbers), Ascended Masters (spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were humans, but have gone through a series of spiritual transformations originally called initiations. They remain attentive to the spiritual needs of humanity, and act to inspire and motivate its spiritual growth; examples include Jesus and Buddha), and ancestors (who didn’t only pass down trauma to you, but also passed down so many gifts; if you’re doing inner work, shadow work and inner child healing, you may be familiar with this).


The A Team. Just think about it. All that knowledge, all that wisdom, all that love, all that support…accessible to you all day, every day. When you’re feeling good, when you’re feeling bad. When you’re in a crowd of people, when you’re all by yourself. When you need a friend, when you need advice, when you need guidance, when you need reassurance, when you need a boost, when you need a sign. They are there.


Open your heart, your mind and your (third) eye to receive their messages. Sometimes they will communicate to you through signs in the physical form, like a feather, coin, cardinal or butterfly. Maybe an angel number or some other kind of message on a sign, billboard, license plate, in your feed, on TV or the radio. Overhearing one line of a conversation happening around you that answers your question or leads you to the answer. Sometimes it’s a sudden chill, ringing in your ear, the breeze blowing or the whiff of a smell. Take note of your thoughts at the moment you sense the presence of non-physical. 


Learn to recognize the signs from non-physical and acknowledge them with gratitude. The more you bring a sense of awareness and appreciation to the signs, the more you will receive them. What does that mean? Magic only exists for those who believe in it. You must believe in the power of communication with non-physical if you want it to continue to show up in your life.


In my experience, I really felt a strong connection with my A Team, one that grows stronger each day. I feel safe and protected in their presence. During a period of time when I was feeling isolated and uncertain about many things, they brought me a sense of calm. As I was spending more and more time unlearning and learning, leaning into my inner voice and inner wisdom, discovering who I was and who I wanted to become, they were a constant source of unconditional love, support and wisdom.


By this point, I had discovered yoga and meditation, and I was spending more time in the quantum field, intentionally raising my vibration and seeking to increase my ability to communicate through energy and vibrations. I realized that all humans, not only me, are inherently able to communicate this way, but we forgot, most likely because it’s not something we’re really encouraged to do as we transition from childhood (at least in many Western cultures).


Just like you can see without your eyes being open (like in visualizations and dreams), I realized I could hear things that weren’t being spoken; it was more like downloads of information. As if I could read the thoughts, of say, our pup, or a spirit guide. Not like, all the time. But sometimes, I would receive a message that was so clear to me that it felt like it was being spoken directly to me, even though it wasn’t literally. Sometimes full conversations transpiring. And as months, and then years, went by after transitioning to a plant based diet, my connection to the universal energies seemed to grow more intense and in tune, just as my relationship with my inner being and higher self was growing and evolving. 


I felt and continue to feel such a strong connection with all animal life and Mother Nature, Mama Earth. The A Team doesn’t discriminate. It invites guides of all kinds (like spirit animals) to join in a magical display of synchronicities and the delivery of beautiful, divinely timed messages that makes every single day of life one full of wonder and magic.


If I have a question or seek guidance, all I have to do it call upon my A Team, then be still, quiet the mind, and wait for the answers to present themselves. No need to overthink, because it truly is as simple as trusting in your own inner knowing, your own inner wisdom.


You have your own A Team, too; everyone does. You can call it the A Team, or not. You can give it your own name, or not. Just know that you’ve got a whole huge team of guides—pure non-physical energy—that doesn’t have to abide by the rules and laws of this 3D reality on Earth. They see the whole big picture, they know things going on behind the scenes, they want everything to happen for your greater good. You will know they are there because you will feel good in their presence. Focus on the feeling. On feeling good. 


And if you’re feeling less than good, ask them how you can get back to feeling good. Then, listen. 


So the next time you see a feather, catch the clock at 3:33, get chills, or open up Instagram to that post that delivered the exact message you needed to hear in that moment, give your A Team a little shout out. Let them know, I see you, friends, and I appreciate you. That’s how they will know you like it when they’re there. 



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