The Energy of Positive Self Talk: Why It's Important
Aug 03, 2021Let’s start by remembering one very important fact: Everything is energy, even you.
What does that mean?
It means that when you break it down to a subatomic level, you get something that looks like this: humans (and everything else in the universe) are made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of subatomic particles called protons, neutrons and electrons. Here’s the thing, though; 99.999999999999% of atoms are empty space, or, in other words, energy vortices.
That’s right, only 0.000000000001% of the whole atom’s mass is made up of a solid part! Pretty wild, isn’t it?!
So how are we solid when we are almost completely made of empty space? Great question.
It's also one we won't actually answer in this blog post;)
Albert Einstein began a famous quote, “Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it.” We’ll come back to this.
When Buddha says, “All is illusion,” he isn’t saying that nothing is real. He’s saying that your mind’s projections onto reality are illusions. He’s saying that the elements in the universe that form every physical thing we see—solid, liquid, gas—if they’re taken down to a subatomic level, they don’t exist. Therefore all we see is an illusion, because it’s shape or form, not true essence.
It’s true that 99+% of you, and everything else that exists (plants, animals, clouds, water, concrete, phones, etc), is energy. It also means that the space between is energy. And everything is connected to everything else through these energetic fields.
The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be transferred or changed from one form to another.
It’s all the same—energy, and it’s constantly flowing and changing forms. And since we, and everything around us, are energy, you can see how we must also be connected to everything. It’s law. What happens to one, affects the whole. This occurs as a collective consciousness, as well. Keep reading!
Here’s where it gets really exciting. Thoughts are energy, too! So are actions. Quantum physics teaches us that because everything is energy, everything vibrates. This means our thoughts carry vibrations, and so do our actions. Sending loving thoughts to another and into the world carries a measurable vibration. Your thoughts can literally raise the vibration of love on Earth.
Vibrations are transmitted through frequencies. Emotions and traits like love, honesty, joy, gratitude, appreciation, happiness, wellbeing, integrity, peace, kindness, empathy, compassion, health, hope and faith are light vibrations that are classified on high frequencies. Whereas, emotions and traits such as hate, hopelessness, anger, worry, fear, doubt, depression, stress, greed, envy, jealousy, slander, violence, dishonesty and disease are heavy vibrations moving on low frequencies.
Because we know that by law, like attracts like, we’re able to understand that the energy you send out into the world is returned to you in kind. Send good out, get good back. Like a boomerang. The opposite also holds true.
So, speaking of vibrations, let’s look at the popular saying, “Good Vibes Only”. Some people live by this philosophy, while other people consider this a form of spiritual bypassing. While I can’t speak for others, I can share my own thoughts and experiences on this concept.
I see this mantra as a tool for conscious creation versus a cutesy quote to gloss over life’s true hardships and difficult times.
By realizing firstly that thoughts become things—that our current reality is the product of past thoughts and beliefs—we understand that the thoughts and beliefs we choose today are what will create our future realities. And we can decide to change our reality at any given time by changing the things we do, say, and think.
Have you ever heard someone justify their state of being by saying, "I'm in this (bad) mood because of all the (bad) things that keep happening to me." That's actually the reverse way to look at things; the (bad) things keep happening because a (bad) attitude/outlook is attracting them. I’m not sure of anyone who WANTS to live a hard, sad or tough life. I know I don’t. I much prefer an amazing, outstanding, fabulous life. So I’m going to spend as much of my energy as possible focusing on the good, because what you focus on grows and multiples, and I want to attract more of the good into my life. This is the beauty of conscious creation, as opposed to creating by default. I am not what happened to me, I am what I chose to become. The more you understand the power of your thoughts, the more deliberate you become about the quality of thoughts you think.
That’s not to say the bad doesn’t happen. Contrast is part of the human experience. You knew this before you ever agreed to come into this physical body and experience life on Earth. Let me be very clear here: YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE REALLY HARD TIMES. Times when you want to cry, hide, disappear, run away, quit, give up, scream, and curl up in the fetal position (which is your first ever yoga pose, by the way!). You are human.
Feel the pain, grief, despair, heartache, loss, frustration, anger, sadness, confusion, shock, fear—really feel it. Invite it in. Sit with it in silence. Ask what has it come to teach you. Ask how you can grow through this. Discover how you can heal those parts of yourself. And then release it with love and gratitude for all the ways it shaped you into the person you are today.
To be clear, I’m encouraging you to do the inner work and visit all these emotions. Start with an awareness they exist. Talk, explore, be there a while if you must...but don’t unpack your bags, because you’re not staying there. It’s not where you belong. Hear me out.
Once you've acknowledged the heavy stuff, it's time to align with how you WANT to feel. Here's where journaling comes in, because you'll want to write this down (important step).
• I acknowledge have been feeling (insert heavy/low vibrational emotion) because I perceive (insert cause)
• I want to feel (insert high vibrational emotion)
• My dream reality is (hold nothing back, friend!)
• This reality would make me feel...
Example: I acknowledge I've been feeling unworthy because I perceive I don't make enough money at my job. I want to feel worthy, valued and appreciated. My dream reality is to make more money than I can imagine doing something I love, surrounded by people I love and enjoy working with. This reality would make me feel empowered.
Next, make a list. Identify your (oftentimes subconscious) limiting beliefs on one side and on the other side, replace them with empowering thoughts. If you're unsure, another way to think of limiting beliefs is reasons why you believe it's probably not possible. Continuing with the money example, it may look like this:
• If I made more money, people would respect me more >> My worth is not determined by my bank account
• If I ask for a promotion in pay, they may tell me no and I'll feel embarrassed >> I deserve to be well compensated for my dedication and good work, and there's no shame in asking for more money
• They're never going to pay me enough at my job >> Financial abundance is my birthright. If I can't reach my dreams at this job, I am open to other possibilities
• I've never made a lot of money and probably never will >> My new mindset around money allows it to flow to me easily, freely and from everywhere
The energy of positive self talk.
Can you recognize how the statements on the left carry a lower vibration than those on the right?
Change the way you think, and you'll change your life. Do you see?
The take away here is to not let these hard times define you. Instead, allow the way you choose to grow through them to be what defines you. It’s not how many times you fall; it’s how many times you get back up. (Take this from someone who has fallen a lot!)
Having a mantra like Good Vibes Only helps to keep me in a space of being a conscious creator of my own reality. It’s a reminder that focusing on the good vibes (like love, honesty, joy, gratitude, appreciation, happiness, wellbeing, integrity, peace, kindness, empathy, compassion, health, hope and faith) will attract more positive people, places and experiences into my life. It’s not denying the heavy vibes, it’s not saying the low vibes don’t exist, but it’s making a choice to discern who, what and where my energy goes and allowing myself to feel those heavy things only for an aligned amount of time.
Circling back around, Einstein said, "Everything is energy, and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way."
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