Welcome to the World of Mis Sombras

Born from the shadows, life and eye of creator, Kelly Jackson, journey into this mystical realm where captivating guides share their unique healing magic and wisdom, lovingly supporting you while encouraging you to consciously live your most fulfilled and authentic life.




If there is a project you have been considering lately, now is a most auspicious time to take action.



Cleo's Strengths...

Cord Cutting

Soul Contracts


Cleo's Power & Magic


When Cleo arrives on your path, it is a sign that everything is going to be alright. Things are happening behind the scenes that you may not be aware of, and Cleo asks you to trust that everything is happening for your greater good.


Cleo is a visionary leader and asks you to also tap into your ability to visualize and plan the future with imagination and wisdom.


If there is a project you have been considering lately, Cleo wants you to know that now is a most auspicious time to take action.


Cleo wants you to know that it is time to cut any energetic cords that bind you to people who are no longer aligned with your highest path. With grace and gratitude, they assist you in intentionally releasing these people and their control over you. Doing so will greatly benefit you.


Cleo reminds you that there are two sides to every coin, and they both exist on the coin at the same time. The value you assign to either one is up to you. Cleo encourages you to see this truth in life, as well.


Cleo wants you to know that you have soul contracts in your life—souls you are meant to meet. Some will come in your life for a season, and some will stay; they all arrive for a reason. It is up to you to understand these soul contracts and to embrace them with gratitude, regardless of how they play out.


You are a remarkable human with the mind of a visionary. Cleo wants to you live up to your fullest potential; and they know you want that, too. 


Do you feel like that's exactly the message you needed to hear right now?


It's no coincidence you're here. Take the next step and sign up for the Mis Sombras email list, where you'll learn more about the world of Mis Sombras, meet new guides, and discover new ways of investing in the future.

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