Welcome to the World of Mis Sombras

Born from the shadows, life and eye of creator, Kelly Jackson, journey into this mystical realm where captivating guides share their unique healing magic and wisdom, lovingly supporting you while encouraging you to consciously live your most fulfilled and authentic life.





 Even though we may appear separate, we all really are connected.



Flect's Strengths...


Shadow Work

Self Love & Self Awareness

Flect's Power & Magic

Flect is a divine reflection, a master of shape shifting, and a symbol of limitless freedom and possibilities. 


Flect is a powerful being who brings together whimsy and surprise, intention and integration, thoughtfulness and desire, letting go and letting be. They bring the message to always remember that even though we may appear separate, we all really are connected.  


Flect reminds you to stand with your feet firmly rooted in the ground, and when the winds of change come blowing, bend so you won't break. They bring the message that change is inevitable—growth is a choice. And that you are not obligated to be the same person you were 5 years ago, 5 months ago, 5 days ago, or even 5 minutes ago. Just as the butterfly replied to the caterpillar's comment, "You've changed", "We're supposed to."


Flect's medicine is that of self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-confidence and self-love. They remind you that noticing the beauty in another is not the absence of your own, and the things you notice in others also exist within you. They remind you that everyone you meet is a mirror and reflects back to you aspects of yourself; sometimes aspects you admire and sometimes shadow aspects ego fails to allow you to acknowledge. 


Flect gives you the courage to shine the light of your consciousness on the hidden aspects of yourself as a way to dissipate the darkness and invite and live in more love.  


Flect reminds you that you are adaptable, capable and a force for good. The energy you put out into the world is returned to you ten fold. They want you to remember that the more you have, the more you have to share with others. The positive and the negative both exist—you get to choose which one you focus on. 


Flect says: I see you. (POV: Avatar)

Do you feel like that's exactly the message you needed to hear right now?


It's no coincidence you're here. Take the next step and sign up for the Mis Sombras email list, where you'll learn more about the world of Mis Sombras, meet new guides, and discover new ways of investing in the future.

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