Welcome to the World of Mis Sombras

Born from the shadows, life and eye of creator, Kelly Jackson, journey into this mystical realm where captivating guides share their unique healing magic and wisdom, lovingly supporting you while encouraging you to consciously live your most fulfilled and authentic life.



You have great discernment along with your sixth sense. Your strong connection with the nonphysical realm has guaranteed you will always be guided and protected along your journey.

     - Grienn




Grienn's Strengths...

Gifts of Clair

Release Overthinking

Accept and Embrace Alter Ego

Grienn's Power & Magic

Grienn’s electric presence encourages you to feel safe expressing your alter ego. They want you to quit focusing on the way others perceive you and get on with living your life already, in your most authentic way. 


They bring the energy of the divine and tell you to embrace your gifts. When Grienn appears in your life, you are likely experiencing one or more of the Gifts of Clair: Clairvoyance (clear seeing), Clairaudience (clear hearing), Clairsentience (clear feeling), Clairalience (clear smelling), Clairgustance (clear tasting), Claircognizance (clear knowing). They tell you this is to be celebrated, not feared. And that these crystal clear, etheric senses are there for you to help you connect with your intuition and live a more abundant, joyful, and fulfilled life.


Grienn reminds you the more you have, the more you have to share with others. You have the ability to help others with your gifts, so share them with gratitude instead of hiding them with doubt, fear or shame. 


Grienn is here to encourage you take the mask off. You are ready. It is time for you to release the identity you have held onto for so long; it is not who you truly are. The next version of you requires you to shed this outdated persona so you can confidently step into your new era, which Grienn assures you is going to be amazing. 


The world wants to know the real you; let it see how truly magical you really are. You will not need to disguise your greatness where you are headed. It is, in fact, your choice to acknowledge, embrace and embody this greatness that will take you beyond your once-perceived limits and catapult you into experiences you once only dreamt of.  


Grienn has arrived to help you stop overthinking. They want you to know you are a powerful creator whose inner guidance will assist you in all that you do. You have great discernment along with your sixth sense. Your strong connection with the nonphysical realm has guaranteed you will always be guided and protected along your journey. 


Grienn is a symbol of higher consciousness and brings the energy of trusting yourself and what your feelings and intuition are telling you. They symbolize spiritual guidance and are a strong presence in your life when you are in a period of transformation. They carry the magic of healing, wisdom, protection, rebirth and inner guidance.


They want you to see life with your mind’s eye. They want you to know that life isn’t happening to you, it’s happening for you. And all the messages, intuitive nudges, whispers and inklings are assisting you in realizing the next best steps to take on your journey. Maintain an attitude of gratitude and open yourself to receiving more blessings.


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