Welcome to the World of Mis Sombras

Born from the shadows, life and eye of creator, Kelly Jackson, journey into this mystical realm where captivating guides share their unique healing magic and wisdom, lovingly supporting you while encouraging you to consciously live your most fulfilled and authentic life.





You have always been enough, exactly as you were. And you are enough right now, exactly as you are.





Synergy's Strengths...



Master of Perspective


Holding Space



Synergy's Power & Magic

Synergy is one of the most vivacious guides from Mis Sombras. A true leader and master of perspective, they know that when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. They are a free spirit here with wisdom, love, light and empathy to support you on your journey. 


Synergy's energy is bold and fierce, playful and sincere, authentic and kind. They remind you to be true to yourself, regardless of what others think. Synergy reminds you that other people's opinions of you are none of your business and what you think of yourself is the only thing that matters.


Synergy holds space for you as you transition into your transformation, encouraging you to release any feelings of fear, shame or guilt that have been limiting you over to the universe to allow the abundant flow of positive new energies to usher in.


They bring a message of unconditional love, awareness, unity, inclusion, diversity, acceptance, and peace. A being that radiates positive energy and attracts high vibrational experiences. A true light worker who is not afraid to shine the light of their consciousness on the shadow aspects of themselves and own what was disowned for so long. A standard of genuine merit.


Synergy reminds you to engage and interact with your inner child. To love them. To give them space to play free, without judgment. They also want you to know that you have always been enough, exactly as you were. And you are enough right now, exactly as you are. You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously. 


Synergy shows up to remind you to ground. Go outside, be in nature, feel the sun on your skin, feel the earth under your bare feet. Walk in the ocean, dance in a field of flowers, cuddle by the campfire under a moonlit sky, lay in the grass making shapes of the clouds as they pass by. Ground yourself in the present moment, and give thanks for all you have and all on its way to you now.


Their disproportionate eyes remind of the dualistic nature of our universe and how balance does not always mean 50/50. Just like there are 24 hours in each day, depending on the season, the days may be shorter and the nights longer, or vice versa. Yet one flows into the other, back into the other, and balance is maintained. 

Do you feel like that's exactly the message you needed to hear right now?


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