Welcome to the World of Mis Sombras

Born from the shadows, life and eye of creator, Kelly Jackson, journey into this mystical realm where captivating guides share their unique healing magic and wisdom, lovingly supporting you while encouraging you to consciously live your most fulfilled and authentic life.




You are a trail blazer. You are a leader. You trust your path. Listen to your own inner knowing and lean in to your intuition. Everything is happening in the divine right time.


Unwritten's Strengths...




Unwritten's Power & Magic

Unwritten is a glorious creature that brings the energy of majesty, sincerity, class and integrity. An elegant guide who knows how to handle themselves with grace in all circumstances. Holder of mighty power, humble in nature, with a heart of gold.


Unwritten is here to remind you that you are the writer, director and star of your own life. You get to decide how you show up and what roles you give to everyone around you. Hold the pen, and write your story with confidence and conviction, knowing you deserve and are worthy of everything you desire. Unwritten encourages you to bring major main character energy to all you do.


Unwritten carries the wisdom that patience is a virtue. Some of the best things in life are worth waiting for, and you do not need to subscribe to anyone else's ideas of timelines or standards. You are here to pave your own way. You are a trail blazer. You are a leader. You trust your path. Listen to your own inner knowing and lean in to your intuition. Everything is happening in the divine right time.


Dig deep. You are stronger than you realize. If you get tired, rest rather than quit. Keep going. Keep moving. But always come back to your center. 


Unwritten has a message that you may wear many hats, but mindfulness will always be the best route. Focus only on what you want, not what you don't want. Trust and believe that the energy flows where attention goes, and wherever you focus your attention will flourish and grow exponentially.


Be very intentional about who and what you give your attention to, as your thoughts are rapidly manifesting in the 3D. Unwritten tells you that you are a powerful conscious creator who is being called to make a huge impact in the lives of others.


Unwritten reminds you that you have the power and ability to create your reality based on the things you choose to do, say and think. Maintain a positive and optimistic outlook and trust that everything is always being worked out behind the scenes for the greater good of you and all souls involved.


Stay steady on your path, and remember that the journey is the destination.

Do you feel like that's exactly the message you needed to hear right now?


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